Christian women, giftings

God’s Workmanship!

Have you ever been demeaned, belittled, or found yourself at the wrong end of the truth in the guise of teasing? We all have in more ways than we can count. When we are in grammar school, teasing is a favorite pastime. Everyone tries to deflect the attention of their inadequacies onto others by teasing. It continues to happen when we get a little older, but as adults, it is disguised as constructive criticism. Both hurt and have a lasting impact on our identity.

When we become Christians, we need to take more stock of whom God says we are and erase the lies that the enemy has told us. God purposefully fashioned us for good works, and we now live in a time of grace for those specific works to be accomplished. Paul says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV). We should appreciate how God made us. God gave us specific strengths and weaknesses to accomplish the work for His kingdom that only we can do. You were designed with a purpose to fulfill part of God’s plan. God is aware of whatever flaws or weaknesses we may have. We must realize that for our strengths to be dominant, we have some drawbacks. God, who made us, in His wisdom, has made a sort of checks and balances in us. We are God’s masterpiece. Believe in your God-given talents and gifts and use them to further His kingdom.

There are different ways to find your gifts and learn how to use them.

  • Pray to recognize your gifts. The gifts God give us He intends for us to use, and He is happy to reveal them to you.
  • Ask your friends what gifts they see in you. Often our friends see gifts in us that we take for granted because they come so quickly to us. A godly friend can spot your talents pretty easily.
  • Take a Spiritual Gift test. Several online can point you to your gifts through a series of questions. Try this website:
  • Sometimes, finding your gift can be a bit of trial and error. Try different jobs out in the church and see if it fits. Volunteer in the nursery, be a greeter, or maybe an usher. The point is that as you serve, you will get a feeling if something feels like it is you or not.

Your new identity in Christ comes with many blessings and gifts. One blessing is knowing God intimately. He walks with us through this world and guides us at every step. One of the best gifts is that God allows you to become spiritually mature enough to reflect on your gift and understand how it fits into the community where He placed you. This is a two-fold blessing; it blesses you and gives you a sense of peace and purpose, and it is a blessing to the community where God placed you. Another blessing is that God will perfect or train you to use the gifts He has given you. Paul tells the Philippians, “I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6 NIV). Rest assured; you have good gifts from God. He made you for a specific time, place, and purpose.

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